Record Detail

People of Sacramento Archive

Caption: Two Japanese girls turning in their cameras to police.

Date: 1942

Historical Context: During WW II, hatred and hysteria knew no reason. The innocent and the young stood accused alongside the elderly and the vigorous. In this photo, two young Japanese girls are turning in their cameras to the local police. All Japanese had to relinquish their cameras due to the fear that they would send photographs to Japan and threaten the security of the U.S.

Ethnic Group: Japanese

Place: Sacramento

Events: Relocation during World War II

Names/Biographical Data: Unidentified.

Key Words: pressure, discrimination

Image Number: To see a larger version of this picture, see image number 1382 and select the full-size image.

Objects/Items of Note: Japanese girls in police station; camera equipment on counter; policeman's uniform.

Image Credit: SMHD, Sacramento BEE Collection.